Organize Your Life

Small Business Making Big Impacts
Finding time to organize in your busy life can be daunting. Whether it be your home, car or office, it always seems like such a task to get going and finish. The days can turn into weeks, the weeks into months, and the next thing you know Spring cleaning or organizing is taking place in the Fall!
Who Are They?
If you need the extra little push to get going and get it done that is where The Space Makers come in. Founders Samantha Hackett and Angela Fitzgerald are the professionals when it comes to getting your space working for you. A Vancouver Island based, female-run small business focusing on empowering their clients lead a less cluttered life. They are quite possibly the only people that love your mess! Taking a common interest between both and turning it into an essential business with the goal of helping others live their best lives.
What Do They Do?
The idea is to find a solution that works for each client. Starting everything off with a consultation is key because getting to know your personality helps the process of organizing much easier for everyone. No project is too small! It’s not uncommon to begin with a smaller project and then moving onto something a bit larger. As mentioned in the video above, an interview between Samantha, Angela and myself, starting with let’s say a kitchen cabinet rather than the garage can provide the little wins. Little wins are necessary when it comes to organizing a home because it is easy to find the process overwhelming with the amount of projects one’s home can have.
“In an era of instant gratification, organizing is an investment that provides immediate and long lasting benefits. Organizing your space can be life-changing, and the results go way beyond the super shareable visuals.”
The Space Makers Source
What a great quote! Our universe, however big or small, can be in a constant state of disarray. But it’s not about being perfect it’s about finding solutions that work for you. Whether that is downsizing a 3,000 sq ft home to a 1,500 sq ft condo or just clearing out the hall closest, making sense of disarray and helping clients is a passion for these two women.
Time To Organize?
There we have it! You are probably thinking “I need this” and you are not wrong. Having professionals come in and be the voice of reason might be what you have been missing. They are not emotionally attached to your belongings in same way you are, and respectively help you through your organizing process. Here’s how you can get in touch with The Space Makers.
- Website:
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- Facebook: The Space Makers
- Email:
Organize Today, Enjoy Tomorrow
Often organizing is left to the wayside or hidden behind a shut door, but is never completely forgotten. It is a truly liberating feeling to know you have a handle on your home and your possessions don’t control your life. Open those doors to your spare room or garage with pride. With a bit of help from these ladies you will be well on your way to enjoying your space again.
For full episodes of my podcast, Your Longest Life, and to hear more about living to 100 check out this link.
To contact Ian call or text (250) 616-3641 or email
Ask how Ian can develop an accurate evaluation of your home using a virtual meeting room from the comfort of your own home.
Future focused and positive
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