Nanaimo Family Life Association

Nanaimo Family Life Association
Helping Vulnerable Seniors
If you are someone who is needing some help, or maybe you are someone looking to help others, Nanaimo Family Life Association is the organization for you! Nanaimo Family Life Association is a local, non-profit organization with the goal of helping those in need in across all walks of life. If you have been following my podcast, Your Longest Life, then you would know my focus is living to 100, and what you need to be successful doing that. In this blog and the interview below, an interview with Deborah Hollins from NFLA, we go through a few key factors people need to live a long and fulfilling life.
What Do We Need to Be Fulfilled?
Humans are by nature social creatures. We thrive on love, friendship, and support. I cannot think of one person in my life that refuses help when they are in need. Needs vary depending on the person’s situation. The type of support can range from tangible, to emotional, to informational. The NFLA’s goal is to build upon peoples’ own sense of internal resiliency. Providing the help needed to lift people up to be their best self. Support and assistance is something we all need in our lives, especially during our senior years. As we age, our needs change along with many other aspect of our lives. In the video below, we outline many of the services that the NFLA provides for seniors here in Nanaimo.
“People need and deserve to live rich and exciting and fulfilling lives up until the day they die.”
– Deborah Hollins
What Does NFLA Do?
Nanaimo Family Life Association provides a safe haven for those in need in Nanaimo. A beacon for those who don’t know who to turn to for help. No matter their age, sexual orientation, or financial situation. Everyone is welcomed with open arms, and an open mind. Deborah Hollins, a social worker for NFLA, mentions in our interview that NFLA is an important resource for our community. Providing counselling services that are low to no barrier. Meaning that if you cannot afford the services, you won’t be turned away. An amazing service for those in need, as the average cost for counselling services in Nanaimo are around $125.00 per hour.
In many aspects COVID-19 has brought about changes and altered the way we live our lives. This is as well and true for NFLA, and the way they help their clients. This pandemic has set restrictions on contact, facility use, and sanitation processes. All of which have had an effect on the types of support this organization is able to provide. It has also introduced an increase in elder abuse in our community. Whether that be physical, emotional or financial abuse. The need among older adults has grown in numbers, and issues that we see coming forward.
Does This Benefit The Community?
The benefits of the programs and assistance that NFLA provides to our community are endless. The most obvious to me would be the increase in the quality of life of seniors in our communities. So many seniors are the backbone of our city, our family, and our history.
Another benefit from better treatment and support of seniors would be the increase in intergenerational relationships. These are the relationships between younger and older generations. Young people lose out when they do not have access to older people in their lives. There is a loss of richness and wisdom. Something that cannot be replaced or substituted. There are examples all over Europe of communities that put a focus on intergenerational relationships, and the benefits they provide.
Can You Help?
If you watched this interview like I did, and thought that you could make a positive difference in your community with NFLA. Here’s how you can get in contact with them to volunteer or donate.
- Website –
- Email –
- Phone – 250.754.3331
- Facebook – Nanaimo Family Life Association
- Instagram – @nanaimofamilylifeassociation
As we saw in the interview, most of the funding they rely on are contracts through the government. Usually spanning about 1 to 2 years long. This means that funding is not always guaranteed. So, private donations are extremely appreciated. If you don’t have the extra money that’s okay! Volunteering is up there with some of best type of support you can give to your community. Your time, compassion, and kindness are needed and wanted. With a range of volunteer opportunities, NFLA has something for everyone.
How To Reach Out?
If you are needing of help, or you know someone in need, please reach out as soon as you can to Nanaimo Family Life Association. They are here to help. If they don’t have the particular resource you need, they will find the right avenue, and help you along the way. Listed above are a couple ways to get in contact them. It is as easy as picking up the phone. NFLA is just a call away.
The goal for this organization is for everyone to feel excited about their life, no matter their age. To bring the spark back, and help others lead a fulfilling life.
For full episodes of my podcast, Your Longest Life, and to hear more about living to 100 check out this link.
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To contact Ian call or text (250) 616-3641 or email
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Future focused and positive
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