Making Finances Last

Making Finances Last
People love to plan. We love to plan for vacations, birthdays, anniversaries and much more, but retirement sometimes slips through the cracks. Why could that be? It could be because life is fast and busy, or maybe because that day just seems too far away. One of the most important things in life is finances. It fuels our lives and is the foundation for a comfortable retirement. We are finding more and more studies saying the average life span is increasing. Therefore people are living longer than originally expected, and that’s great! With that though comes a possibility of a much longer retirement.
An Expert’s View
Planning your finances for retirement can be overwhelming. Seeking an expert’s help is a great step towards understanding your situation fully. That’s where Frank Allen comes in! Frank Allen from Frank Allen Financial Group Inc. is well versed in everything to do with financial planning. With over 47 year experience in finance, Frank is surely an expert when it comes to setting yourself up for the rest of your life.
“A good plan needs to be flexible to adapt to changes along the way. We’re here to see you through those changes.”
Frank Allen Financial Group Inc. Source
Starting Early
It is never too early to start saving or investing for retirement. Whether you’re starting point is age 25 or 45, the point is you have begun! That is something Frank touches on in our interview. He says that even a small amount of money saved over a long period of time turns into something big. During your working years the time you tend to spend the most money is not during your work week, but on the weekends and holidays. Now think of retirement. Retirement becomes an extended weekend always. So it is easy to spend more than you normally would because of the excess of time.
What Does Your Retirement Look Like?
Lifestyle tends to change when one enters into retirement, and is very likely to change many more times. This time in life can be very different for each person and every situation is unique. That is something Frank and his team look into when giving advice to their clients’ to do with their financial plans. What they are looking for. What they are wanting to indulge in. What do they see themselves enjoying. All incredibly important statements when planning for the next chapter of your life. Not only is retiring a huge life change, but there can be many more changes ahead. Such as downsizing properties, re-structuring investments, or selling businesses. All things an expert like Frank can help with.
3 Stages for Retirement
- The Go-Go Years:
These are the early years of retirement, when opportunity and time are plentiful. You finally have the time you never had before. With the regular work week a thing of the past, you now are free to plan whatever adventures you please. This could be anything from travel to hobbies to volunteer work. The world is your oyster.
- The Slow-Go Years:
After you cross off many items on you bucket list, the next set of years is a time to slow down. Settling down into a comfortable routine within your new normal happens. Life is still beautiful and exciting, but the frequency of activities like travel may slow down. Explore your own backyard, take up a new hobby or spend quality time with those you love.
- The No-Go Years:
Then come the No-Go Years. It could be brought about by a change in health or finances, but life becomes local. The time when you appreciate the sunrises and sunsets or lunch with an old friend. Spending time practicing mediation and reflection on a life lived and memories made is an adventure all in itself.
Reach Out
If you never ask you will never know! There are so many things to think about when it comes to finances and retirement. If you think that Frank and his team is who you need this is how you can get in touch.
- In person at the office. 1605 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9S 1G5
- Via email.
- Over the phone. (250)753-2101
For full episodes of my podcast, Your Longest Life, and to hear more about living to 100 check out this link.
To contact Ian call or text (250) 616-3641 or email
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Future focused and positive
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