Retirement Heaven or Hell

Retirement Heaven or Hell

Retirement Heaven or Hell Living to 100 is the theme for my podcast, Your Longest Life, and my guests guide us through the triumphs and trials that arise along this journey. Whoever thought that living longer could have the chance of being negative? We are finding that with medical, and technological advancements there is an […]

Christmas 2020: Helpful Tips For The Holidays

Christmas 2020: Helpful Tips For The Holidays

Christmas 2020: Helpful Tips For The Holidays The theme for much of 2020 has been adapting to many changes for our health and safety. From face coverings, to social distancing, to  working at home. Christmas 2020 will need some tweaking too to fit into COVID-19 friendly practices. Here’s a couple helpful tips and practices for […]

Downsizing Your Stuff

Downsizing Your Stuff

If you know you’re moving into a smaller home, you’re no doubt going to have to get rid of some of your belongings.  Here, we’ll take a look at how to get started on this sometimes overwhelming task. Downsizing your stuff starts early. Once you decide you’re going to downsize, get started, even if you […]

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Downsizing

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Downsizing

What are some common mistakes that people make when they’re considering downsizing? Below are a few of them with tips on mistakes to avoid when downsizing. Mistakes to avoid when downsizing Smaller space does not always equal lower costs. Downsizing your space doesn’t necessarily mean your home expenses are cheaper. If you’re going from a […]