Downsizing Your Home Seminar -Free

Downsizing Your Home Seminar -Free

  Join us for a free seminar on how to downsize your home following my step-by-step plan. We will discuss purging, knowing your limits, maximizing your new smaller space and more. Guest Speakers: Refine Homes Inc. Topic: Packing/Unpacking, Organizing Compass Point Financial by Dale Harvey Topic: Financial (How to invest the net proceeds from the sale) […]

Talking Money With Barbara O’Neill

Talking Money With Barbara O’Neill

Talking Money With Barbara O’Neill Talking money can be an awkward conversation depending on the situation, but it really shouldn’t be. Why do we think that is? Having conversations about money seems to be awkward, or unnecessary for a lot of different people. When the truth is the exact opposite. Talking about money with your […]

An Interaction A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

An Interaction A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

An Interaction A Day Keeps The Doctor Away Do you have someone in your life that could turn around any bad day you might be having? Someone that makes your life brighter just by being themselves. We all have those special few people that help us get through the good, and the bad days. May […]

Transitions 2021

Transitions 2021

Transitions 2021 Ian Thompson & The Space Makers This year is about adapting and overcoming whatever life throws at us. Planning for the future is the best way to do that! Taking everything that has happened, the good and the bad, and using that to focus on your goals. As the year is coming to […]

Staying Close to Home

Staying Close to Home

Staying Close to Home When someone asks what your plans are for the future, what would you say? The answers are endless. But are very likely to be things like a career change, moving to a new area, or an upcoming vacation. Something that doesn’t get a lot of thought, until the time you must […]

Many Years Make a Life’s Work

Many Years Make a Life’s Work

Many Years Make a Life’s Work Countless people around the world spend years, and sometimes a lifetime finding their true calling and passion. If you are so lucky to find your dream job enjoy every moment of it, because we don’t know how long we have in the workforce. The title of this blog is […]

Accounting for Your Senior Years

Accounting for Your Senior Years

Accounting for Your Senior Years Money is a funny thing. People say not to talk about it, but that may lead to confusion and embarrassment when you have a question. Every year countless dollars are left unclaimed by deserving people because they simple don’t know that they are there, or are unable to properly apply […]

Getting a Life After Retirement

Getting a Life After Retirement

Getting a Life After Retirement Most focus on making a life before retirement, but not many think about getting a life after retirement. People have differing reactions when hearing the word retirement. Some believe it is an exciting time that people work their life towards. Whereas, some feel quite the opposite. They feel defeat, or […]

Making Finances Last

Making Finances Last

Making Finances Last People love to plan. We love to plan for vacations, birthdays, anniversaries and much more, but retirement sometimes slips through the cracks. Why could that be? It could be because life is fast and busy, or maybe because that day just seems too far away. One of the most important things in […]