Why The Child Development Centre Is My Charity Of Choice – Nanaimo Real Estate and Homes For Sale

We have lived in Nanaimo for 25 years and had the good fortune of having three healthy children who did not need the type of help available at the Child Development Centre (CDC). Through my work at the radio station I knew about the CDC, my daughter and I even went in the Silly Boat Race once.  It was not until our granddaughter Quinn was born that we understood the tremendous value they bring to our community.

Child Development Centre services

Quinn was born with low muscle tone; it has a name that I can never remember.  When you start to think about how many muscles we have and the role they play in development then you can see how this can impact a child.  Everything from walking, chewing food, and talking are impacted. When we were referred to the CDC we had no idea the services available and how flexible they are when working with families.  Speech therapy, Physio therapy, Occupational therapy, counseling the list goes on and on.  The best part is they come right to your home. Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly are just a few of the words I would use to describe what they do.

Community charity of choice

Quinn is now 4 ½ and will be going to school soon (hard to believe), although she can say a few words now, she still cannot put sentences together but the CDC is adamant that she will make the transition to school smoothly.

To contact Ian call or text (250) 616-3641 or email


There are many charities needing help, but the CDC works for my family. If you have questions feel free to contact me.

Although the CDC is provincially funded they raise money locally to help shorten the waiting period for families needing help. Donate or volunteer below!

Future focused and positive